Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

LTT : Listening Assignment - "Analytical Exposition"

1. Pre Listening

Well student, are you ready to begin?

First, look at the pictures below!

 After you saw it, Now think about these words below!
  1. money
  2. dirty
  3. departments 
  4. public services  
  5. culture
  6. police department
  7. corruption
  8. jail
  9. hidden
  10. law 
  11. citizens 
A. Vocabulary

Well student, Now you have to translate those words into Indonesian!
     for example : 11.citizens = warga negara

Whilst Listening
        Listening section:
        Now listen to this monologue and do the excercises below!

Okey student, after you hear the monologue, you have to fill in the blank with the appropriate word!
B. Cloze Test

3. Post Listening

well student after you have done the exercise above, now you have to answer the question below!
C. Write in your own words.

Write your opinion about corruption in Indonesia, and how to solve it! (write in 2 paragraphs)

Send your answer sheet in form of word text document to nova_salatiga@yahoo.co.id
with the answer sheet format:
name/class/number (eg: nova/XII IS 2/25)

A. Vocabulary

B. Write in your own words

Well student, that's all assignment for this week, enjoy your weekend..        and..

                                             Good Luck!!!