Minggu, 03 April 2011

Speaking Test


Hello student, How are you doing?  are you ready to begin?

Activity 1

first, look at the pictures below !

What's your opinion about those pictures!
is that okay smoking in public area? explain your answer!
Next meeting you will deliver your opinion in front of class.

 Activity 2

Now, lets go to the next activity. I have a dialogue that has many missing words. Your job is finding the appropriate words.

Andy     : Hello Indra, how are you?
Indra     : Fine thanks, (1...) about you?
Andy     : I’m (2...) too. Long time no see. (3...) have you been?
Indra     : Yeah almost 3 years, I continue my study (4...) Jakarta.
Andy     : nice..
Indra     : Still smoking?
Andy     : (5...) of course, that is my hobby. You?
Indra     : (6...) anymore.
Andy     : why?
Indra     : many reasons of course, It can (7...) impotence and heart disease.
Andy     : (8...) I know that.
Indra     : Ninety percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. If we smoke five cigarettes a day, we are six times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non smoker. If we smoke twenty cigarettes a day, the risk is nineteen greater
Andy     : what?
Indra     : Ninety five percent of people who suffer of bronchitis are people who are smoking. Smokers are two and half times more likely to die of heart disease than non smokers.
Andy     : that sounds creepy
Indra     : People said that smoking is really good for tobacco companies because they do make much money from smoking habit. Smoking however is not good for everybody else.

After you found the appropriate words, now read those dialogue aloud and memorize it..!

Next week you have to practice this dialogue with your friends!

Activity 3
Okay student, now let's go to the next activity. 
Listen to the dialogue below !

After you heard the dialogue above, make your own group consist of 2 students. Try to practice that dialogue, record your dialogue than burn it in 1 CD.

Activty 4

Now Let's go to the last activity.
Watch the video below!

After you watched the dialogue above, now make your own dialogue with the same topic from the video. Do it with your own group, Record and burn it in the same CD as activity 3

That's all assignment this week.. Have a nice week end..


                                                           Good Luck!

1 komentar:

MadAv mengatakan...

Focus: Speaking
Reviewer: Muhammad Afwan
Blog Owner: Nova

1.The audio can be played directly from the blog.

2.For further task, he gave interesting task, that was watching video.

3. He asks the students to compile the exercise on a CD
1.The instruction for pre-listening wasn't clear enough.
2. In activity 2 It would be better if we provide answer sheet form.

1.Give a clear instruction for your students.
2.Give your students an instruction to do self-study.
3.Provide an answer sheet

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